"For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
Neither are your ways my ways,
declares the Lord.
For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
So are my ways higher than yours."
Isaiah 55:8-9
We live in an “equal or lesser” world. We are constantly restrained by these terms.
Don’t know what I’m talking about? We are presently in the season of gift giving which means the next season is just around the corner: the season of gift returning. If you have ever returned a gift, you know that it is an “equal or lesser” deal. You can exchange the gift you received for something of equal or lesser value, but never anything of greater value.
And how about those “Buy One Get One Free” coupons? Same deal. It doesn’t matter if you’re talking donuts or diamonds, you always have to buy the more expensive item in order to get the equal or lesser one free.
Our “equal or lesser” system isn’t limited to commerce either. There are many “equal or lesser” relationships out there. If you’re married, you’ve probably been there. Maybe you still are: “I’ll put into this marriage what I’m getting out. Nothing more, but maybe something less.”
That’s the way this world works. Because this world is always protecting and looking out for itself.
That’s its nature. Sadly, that’s often our nature as well.
But that’s not God’s nature. He operates in a “greater value” world. He never gives something of lesser value. Always something greater.
When it comes to His exchange policy, God is like the Cabela’s or Nordstrom of the heavenly realm. No receipt? No tags? No problem. Is it broken? Worn out? From a competitor? God’s got you covered.
You can take it from a satisfied customer. I had been sold a lot of faulty products in my years. Empty promises. Dead-end roads. Momentary pleasures. Selfish pursuits. Flawed thinking. Finite wisdom. Tainted love. Corrupted vision. Broken relationships. He took them all, no questions asked.
In exchange, he offered the bread of life, living water, enduring wisdom, extended family, never-ending life, eyes that see, and love that issues from a pure heart.
When you think about it, it only makes sense. This is the God who was willing to give his very self for you. Who left a throne in heaven to be born in a stable. Who set aside heavenly glory to take on human flesh. Who exchanged dominion and authority for dependency and diapers. And for what?!? For you.
Yes, for you. He loves you that much.
I don’t know about you, but a big part of me thinks that God is getting the short end of the stick on this deal. Of course, then there’s the other part of me that says, “His ways are not my ways, but God always knows what He’s doing.” And then I figure this is another page out of God’s playbook that I need to commit to memory: being willing to give the greater thing while receiving the lesser. And seeing people, who are created in God’s image, as having tremendous value.
Prayer: "Thank you, God, for being the best gift giver. Thank you for the priceless gift of your Son. Give me a heart that desires to give the greater thing, that I may be more like my heavenly Father and bring glory to you."
"For God so loved the world that He gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through Him."
John 3:16-17