Therefore, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord continue to live in Him, rooted and built-up in Him, growing in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.
Colossians 2:6-7
Any contractor worth his salt is constantly consulting and re-consulting his building plans to make sure that he is building according to the proper specifications. Failure to follow the plans precisely, will result in a building that is offset and, quite likely, unstable – something that the architect was trying to avoid when he took the time to carefully design those plans.
The same can be true for Christians who, beginning with a good foundation in Jesus, fail to continue to consult the Master Builder (God) and His Plans (God's Word). They start building as they see fit, considering themselves Christians, yet the fruit of their lives may not even resemble what the Architect originally drew up. Having the Plans is essential, but actually following them is the key.
Jesus talked about this construction analogy when he said that anyone who hears his teachings and then does them is like a man who builds his house on a solid foundation. This is the man or woman who doesn’t just have the building plans, but actually implements them to ensure that construction is proceeding according to plan. The result is a building that is solid and able to withstand the storms that life is sure to bring.
On the other hand, Jesus talked about the person who hears his words but does not do them. Jesus calls this person foolish and likens him or her to someone who builds his house on a foundation made of sand – something no one in his right mind would do. This is a person who has the building plans but fails to implement them. He is trusting in his own architectural abilities. This individual is headed for a great fall but most likely won’t see it coming. He will find himself in the middle of a storm that threatens his very foundation and have no idea how it came to pass.
As we look at these two individuals, it becomes apparent that there is a big difference between simply acknowledging the Architect and actually being willing to submit to following His Plans. When Jesus called his disciples, he called them to follow Him. Not just acknowledge him, but actually follow him. This is what a true disciple does. Implicit in this call to follow is the idea that the one who takes up the new calling leaves behind the old one (trusting in himself). The Greek word for follow literally means “to move behind someone in the same direction.” Other definitions include “to follow someone who takes the lead” and “to comply with or obey.” All of these definitions are appropriate for our understanding of what it means to be a follower of Christ.
In our own nature, each one of us wants to be our own architect. To get to where God wants us requires a major shift. A shift in our minds. A shift in our hearts. Paul describes this when he tells believers to “be transformed by the renewing of your minds.” We do this by submitting ourselves to God’s design and his Plans and then searching those Plans diligently to guide and direct our lives.
The life of a true follower of Christ does not consist in a one-time decision. It is a daily decision. A daily affirmation that He is the Master Architect. A daily decision and commitment to follow Him. A daily affirmation that true life and true satisfaction are ultimately to be found in God. As a result, we decide on a daily basis that we will follow Him regardless of what comes our way. We are aware of the danger of re-assuming the role of architect in the course of our Christian walk and resolve not to put ourselves in the place of God.
A solid faith, the kind of faith that God desires, is the result of the right foundation – Jesus Christ – as well as a commitment to follow the plans of the Master Architect – the Word of God. We will be faithful builders when these two principles are at the very core of our Christian life. It is when we are committed and submitted in this way that God can give the growth that He desires (1Cor 3:7; Col 2:19).
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Great thoughts. Thanks for sharing. It is a DAILY building process. One day "off" the plans can be disasterous.
ReplyDeleteI worked one summer building a house. It was a log home and we had to constantly check to make sure the walls were level, true,in line, etc. If we didn't constantly check, we would have worked to a point where nothing met, windows wouldn't fit, roof line wouldn't connect, etc. And because of the constant checking, there were times we had to remove logs and start over.
Thanks again for the reminder to always check the Master Builder and His plan (the Bible) daily!