"Failure is Not Fatal"

[This entry is Part Three of a three-part series entitled “Put to the Test”]

"To give them a beautiful headdress instead of ashes,
the oil of gladness instead of mourning,
the garment of praise instead of a faint spirit..." Isaiah 61:3

What would you say has been your biggest failure in life? We all have them. For most of us, we’d have to pick from among several. However, my guess is that, for most of us, a particular incident, situation or relationship will take the cake so to speak. Perhaps it was a great job that you lost due to carelessness or poor decisions. Or maybe it was the time you refused to take the risk that would have put you and your company over the top. Maybe it was the time you bobbled the routine ground ball or Hail Mary pass that would have ensured victory and a championship for your team. Perhaps it was your failed marriage. Or maybe it was all three of them. Maybe you were young and dumb and you gave yourself away to the wrong person. Or maybe it was six of them.

Whatever your failures, chances are you’ve rehearsed over and over what you would do differently if only you had it to do over again. The clarity of 20/20 hindsight has revealed to you everything you need to know to get it right this time.

When I think about my biggest failure, I think of an incident that involved being betrayed by people that I considered to be friends. Of course, their betrayal of me wasn’t my failure. My reaction to their betrayal was. So many times, I have wished I could go back and NOT do the things that I did. So many times, I have wished that I would have simply turned the other cheek. But I didn’t. And I regret it to this day. What’s done is done; but what I wouldn’t give to go back and have another chance! Perhaps you feel the same way.

The good news, if you’ll allow for any, is that failure is not final, nor is it fatal – at least it doesn’t have to be. At this point, you may be saying, “You don’t understand. I didn’t just fail my family or my friends. I failed God. I betrayed God. I’ve given up on God.” If that’s you, all hope is not lost.

The story of Christianity – the story of Jesus Christ – is the story of God taking something that is broken and failing and turning it into something that is restored and thriving. God is in the business of rescuing those who have been crushed by this life and breathing new life into their fractured souls. In the words of Jesus himself, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick” [Matthew 9:12]

Jesus came to restore a world full of people who had betrayed God and chosen to go a different way. These were people who had been told of God’s faithfulness to their parents and grandparents – delivering them from slavery, miraculously providing food from heaven and water from rocks, bringing them to a land flowing with milk and honey – yet they chose to go their own way. Jesus came to restore people like this.

But Jesus doesn’t stop at restoring only those who failed God before they knew him. You see, even Jesus’ closest followers had their colossal collapses. After all, it’s not as if knowing Jesus somehow makes you immune to your own human nature. One particular follower of Jesus – one who knew Jesus personally (we’re talking a guy who walked, talked and ate with him), one of those followers – let Jesus down big time. Even after Jesus warned this man that he would deny being one of his followers, he proceeded to deny Jesus not once, but three times. But failing Jesus wasn’t the end of this man’s story. It turned out to be just the beginning. After his crucifixion, Jesus made a point to personally restore him. This man’s name was Peter – one of Jesus’ twelve disciples and a man who went on to become one of the leading figures in the early church.

There are a couple of notable things about Jesus’ restoration of Peter. Jesus gives Peter one opportunity to profess his love for Jesus for each of the three times Peter denied him. Three denials, three opportunities to be restored. What’s more, Jesus caps Peter’s restoration with these words: “Follow me.” [John 21:19] Why is this significant, you ask? These are the words that Jesus used to call his disciples in the beginning. [cf John 1:43] Jesus is saying, “What’s done is done. It’s time to start anew. Are you ready to get back on track?"

Whatever the magnitude of your failures, whether in life in general or your relationship with God, failure is not final. Nor is it fatal to your relationship with God. God wants to take your shortcomings, mistakes and outright failures and exchange them for something that reflects his goodness and beauty.

We can’t go back and undo our failures. But God can take our 20/20 hindsight and turn it into 20/20 foresight. Do you think Peter's experience gave him a deeper appreciation of Jesus’ desire to restore people? [cf 1 Peter 5:10] How did Peter’s history affect his view of others who had similar failings and shortcomings? My guess is that he approached these people with abundant grace and an overwhelming degree of mercy, knowing that Jesus had extended the same to him. Peter would never be the same for it and those to whom he ministered would always be the better for it.

God wants to take your failed marriage and turn it into a heart for those in troubled unions. He wants to forgive having given yourself away, so that you can wholeheartedly give yourself to Him. Jesus wants to take the heartache from your abortion 15 years ago and turn it into a passion to save the unborn and minister to frightened adolescent girls. The Holy Spirit wants to break the bonds of your psychological fear and turmoil and give you a new spirit -- so that you might proclaim freedom to those who are similarly bound. The enemy of our souls succeeds when our failures continue to haunt us, but forgiveness and restoration can be ours in Christ - when we are willing to believe it and receive it.

What does God want to do with your biggest failures? Whose life could God's love transform because of what you’ve been through? This very moment, Jesus is saying, “So. Are you ready to get back on track? Then follow me.”

"Proving Grounds"

[This entry is Part Three of a three-part series entitled "Put to the Test"]

"We were so utterly burdened beyond our strength that we despaired of life itself...but that was to make us rely not on ourselves but on God who raises the dead." 2 Corinthians 1:8,9

I just have to smile when I find myself in a conversation with someone who has God all figured out. As if God fit neatly into some nice little box manufactured by human reason and logic. One of the coolest things about being in relationship with God is experiencing his unpredictability. Just when we think he is going to respond or move in one way, we find that he has done something totally unexpected.

Our move to Phoenix a few years ago falls within these lines. We assumed that God called us to move to Phoenix for reasons related to the Seminary and my training there. But as we look back, it has become apparent that God was seeking to move in my wife’s life in even more profound ways. Something we never could have guessed would happen was part of God’s plan from the beginning – and my wife will never be the same for it. When we moved, God moved, but in a way we didn’t expect.

The same can be true regarding our limited human view of the tests and trials that come about in our lives. We look at the situation we face and often reason that our faith in God would be strengthened most if God were to move in a miraculous way. We reason that deliverance out of the circumstances would be the optimum scenario for strengthening and confirming our relationship with God. This, however, is another scenario where God often operates outside of human logic.

What we find, not only in Scripture but also in the lives of seasoned Christians, is that the enduring of tests and trials allows us to experience God’s “proving grounds.” At this point you might be asking, “What are proving grounds?” The New Oxford American Dictionary defines proving grounds as “an environment that serves to demonstrate whether something, such as a theory or product, really works.”

In the automotive industry, proving grounds are designed to put vehicles through a battery of tests, often under extremely harsh conditions, to test their roadworthiness and durability. General Motors’ proving grounds contain over 130 miles of roads, giving engineers the opportunity to run cars through every conceivable driving situation – wet roads, bumpy roads, potholes, tight corners and steep descents. Throughout the process, the theories of design, as well as their implementation, are either proven or disproven. As results are observed, designs are refined and the final product continues in its advance toward the ultimate goal – perfection.

Experiencing tests and trials in our lives creates a sort of proving ground for God. Life on the open road is an opportunity to observe not only God’s faithfulness to us, but our faith in Him as well – in the midst of pain, in the midst of heartache, in the midst of loss, in the midst of disappointment.

In Paul’s second letter to the church in Corinth, he describes a situation in which he and his companions despaired even of life itself (2 Cor 1:8-11). They were at the end of their rope. It was beyond what they could handle physically and emotionally. That’s a bad situation. Perhaps you have been there. But what was Paul’s view of the situation in hindsight? He says that this happened so that they would rely not on themselves but on God, who raises the dead (that’s a powerful God to trust in). Paul’s confidence in God is increased after he experiences God’s faithfulness in the midst of the trial. Paul says, “He delivered us from such a deadly peril, and he will deliver us. On him we have set our hope that he will deliver us again.”

As, a good friend of mine once said, “Past faithfulness builds future confidence.” Paul’s confidence in the Lord was strengthened and his faith was fortified as a result of his dire circumstances. When we see that our faith has survived through the most dire of circumstances, we stand a little stronger – knowing that our faith can and will withstand the test.

Much like that car on the proving grounds, every time our faith is pushed to the limit, the Designer makes some slight modifications in His pursuit of our perfection. Our nature and character get pushed a little closer to that of our model – the faithful One, Jesus Christ.

So, the next time you find yourself in the proving grounds, look around. You’re bound to see God doing a work in you and you’ll also have an opportunity to experience his faithfulness – perhaps in a way you didn’t expect.

"The Right Foundation"

[This entry is Part Two of a three-part series entitled "Put to the Test"]

Figuring that the resource had not been tapped for all it was worth, I continued crock-potting on Jesus’ analogy regarding the wise man who builds his house on the rock and the foolish man who builds his house on the sand (Matthew 7:24-27). Like we talked about in the last blog entry, one of these men that Jesus describes built according to the plans of the Master Builder – according to the words of Jesus. The other did not put Jesus’ “life-construction guidelines” to work and so, we can suppose, relied upon something else for his design and construction plans. Whether he relied upon his own knowledge and reason or some kind of human philosophy we don’t know. What we do know is that he did not put Jesus’ words into action despite having heard them.

As I continued to ponder the men described by Jesus and the outcome of their lives, an important truth was revealed. According to this parable, the long-term sustainability of this construction was not really proven until the houses were exposed to the elements of this world over the course of time.

It is possible that the house built on the sand looked really promising for a time. As a matter of fact, it may have been the most beautiful home in town when construction was finished. But eventually the storms of life came along and tested that construction. Jesus’ description of the storm sounds quite similar to the hurricanes and tropical storms hitting the Caribbean and portions of the United States as I write this. Rain falling in sheets. Flood waters rising. Winds blowing and beating on every structure in sight.

This brings back memories of the widespread damage in the Midwest this past Summer as rivers paid no heed to their banks and brought powerful currents to bear against homes as well as entire towns. Thinking back to the news coverage of these floods, I was reminded of amazing video footage of two houses along the Wisconsin River. The power of the flooded river’s current had been pounding the earth supporting two particular homes for days. Eventually so much ground was washed away that both homes literally snapped in two and crashed into the river one after the other. We’re talking entire homes…snapping in two and being carried away by the river. Amazing.

Interestingly, even moments before their fall, these were two beautiful homes. But their long-term sustainability was intimately tied to the ground underneath. The future of these homes was inextricably linked to their foundations. Much like those who hear Jesus’ words but choose to go their own way, certainly these people had been warned of the inherent risks of construction in this area. It was obvious to anyone standing there. Despite the assurances they may have received from others around them, building here was a roll of the dice. It might be 100 years before a big enough flood came, but eventually it would come. They knew the risks and chose to take their chances. They decided that the potential pleasures outweighed the risks.

The same is true of those who build on a foundation other than Christ. This is described for us in Romans chapter 1. Here Paul tells us that what can be known about God is plain to everyone, because God’s nature is revealed to all people by the world around us – the world He created. But some, despite knowing that God exists and knowing what He desires, choose not to honor him as God or give thanks to him, but instead they choose to go their own way (Romans 1:19-21). They roll the dice.

Having a foundation built solidly on Christ – the Rock – has daily implications for a home’s sustainability as well as eternal ramifications. The worldview (and Godview) presented by Jesus gives us a healthy guideline for living whether we’re celebrating a sunny day at the beach, enduring a cloudy, humid Midwestern day or holding on in the midst of a Category 4 hurricane. This worldview and Godview help us to answer questions like: What really matters? What should be truly important to me? Where should I place my priorities and my energies? How should I view God, myself and others in light of the storms of life? How do I handle difficulties in my finances, family, and marriage? How do I make sense of the death of a loved one? Jesus has answers for all of these questions. Answers that give sustainability and solidarity to our daily lives.

But Jesus isn’t just concerned about today. He’s concerned about eternity. According to Jesus and other New Testament writers, many will hear the words of Christ and yet choose to construct their own worldview and trust in themselves rather than God. Unfortunately, this will only end in disappointment and separation from God and all that is good It is not a roll of the dice that anyone should take, yet, like the people who built on the banks of the Wisconsin River, many will pick up those dice and take their chances. And many houses will crumble.

If you’re still reading, there’s a chance you’re saying, “Gee, Troy. Thanks for the uplifting message today.” I’m with you, but while this all may sound like gloom and doom, there is a bright spot to the story: People can move! Just because you built a house on the banks of the Wisconsin River doesn’t mean you can’t put that house on the market and move to solid ground. It’s not too late to realize you’ve made a mistake and relocate.

When those two houses plunged into the river, they were unoccupied. The people who had at one time decided it was a good place to invest had abandoned that thinking and taken everything they could salvage. As soon as they realized the foundation was crumbling, they moved to higher ground. They were going to start rebuilding on a solid foundation.

If this is you… if you have been building a foundation and a home on your own building plans – your own wisdom, intelligence or perception of reality – it's not too late to abandon ship! Now is the time to move. The offices of the Master Builder are open 24/7 and your bad credit and flood insurance history are no problem. He is always interested in developing a new neighborhood to be part of his Master Planned Community (he calls it “The Kingdom” – sounds spectacular doesn’t it!?). A heart that is ready to follow him is just the location He is looking for. You'll never tire of the views (you can see for an eternity!) and likely begin to wish that you could stay forever. The Good News is that you can. His Son already has your mortgage taken care of. It’s a family business and you are now part of the family. Welcome to the neighborhood.

Building According to Plan

Therefore, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord continue to live in Him, rooted and built-up in Him, growing in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.
Colossians 2:6-7

Any contractor worth his salt is constantly consulting and re-consulting his building plans to make sure that he is building according to the proper specifications. Failure to follow the plans precisely, will result in a building that is offset and, quite likely, unstable – something that the architect was trying to avoid when he took the time to carefully design those plans.

The same can be true for Christians who, beginning with a good foundation in Jesus, fail to continue to consult the Master Builder (God) and His Plans (God's Word). They start building as they see fit, considering themselves Christians, yet the fruit of their lives may not even resemble what the Architect originally drew up. Having the Plans is essential, but actually following them is the key.

Jesus talked about this construction analogy when he said that anyone who hears his teachings and then does them is like a man who builds his house on a solid foundation. This is the man or woman who doesn’t just have the building plans, but actually implements them to ensure that construction is proceeding according to plan. The result is a building that is solid and able to withstand the storms that life is sure to bring.

On the other hand, Jesus talked about the person who hears his words but does not do them. Jesus calls this person foolish and likens him or her to someone who builds his house on a foundation made of sand – something no one in his right mind would do. This is a person who has the building plans but fails to implement them. He is trusting in his own architectural abilities. This individual is headed for a great fall but most likely won’t see it coming. He will find himself in the middle of a storm that threatens his very foundation and have no idea how it came to pass.

As we look at these two individuals, it becomes apparent that there is a big difference between simply acknowledging the Architect and actually being willing to submit to following His Plans. When Jesus called his disciples, he called them to follow Him. Not just acknowledge him, but actually follow him. This is what a true disciple does. Implicit in this call to follow is the idea that the one who takes up the new calling leaves behind the old one (trusting in himself). The Greek word for follow literally means “to move behind someone in the same direction.” Other definitions include “to follow someone who takes the lead” and “to comply with or obey.” All of these definitions are appropriate for our understanding of what it means to be a follower of Christ.

In our own nature, each one of us wants to be our own architect. To get to where God wants us requires a major shift. A shift in our minds. A shift in our hearts. Paul describes this when he tells believers to “be transformed by the renewing of your minds.” We do this by submitting ourselves to God’s design and his Plans and then searching those Plans diligently to guide and direct our lives.

The life of a true follower of Christ does not consist in a one-time decision. It is a daily decision. A daily affirmation that He is the Master Architect. A daily decision and commitment to follow Him. A daily affirmation that true life and true satisfaction are ultimately to be found in God. As a result, we decide on a daily basis that we will follow Him regardless of what comes our way. We are aware of the danger of re-assuming the role of architect in the course of our Christian walk and resolve not to put ourselves in the place of God.

A solid faith, the kind of faith that God desires, is the result of the right foundation – Jesus Christ – as well as a commitment to follow the plans of the Master Architect – the Word of God. We will be faithful builders when these two principles are at the very core of our Christian life. It is when we are committed and submitted in this way that God can give the growth that He desires (1Cor 3:7; Col 2:19).